Kalau ga sempat ikut MBA ini buku buku yg direkomendasikan, beberapa sudah di terjemahkan ke bahasa Indonesia, tapi ada baiknya baca dalam bahasa aslinya sekalian.
- Basic Economics: A Common Sense Guide to the Economy, by Thomas Sowell
- The front flap of Basic Economics says it brings its topic to light in a way that is "easy to absorb and hard to forget." That's certainly true. Sowell presents practical concepts about how incentives, trade-offs, and other dimensions of the economy really work. More interesting (and more relevant) than the economics course you may have suffered through in college, this book is for people who get paid for results rather than for effort, pontification, or simply showing up. (For extra credit, read Sowell's follow up, Applied Economics: Thinking Beyond Stage One.)
- The Marketing Imagination, by Theodore Levitt
- Levitt, who died in 2006, was a professor at the Harvard Business School and former editor of the Harvard Business Review. The Marketing Imagination was one of the first books I read that made the concepts of marketing and "why people buy" come alive for me. Since the book was first published in 1983, some of the examples in it are dated, but reading them with the benefit of hindsight offers a unique Monday-morning-quarterback dimension that imparts another layer of education.
- Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors, by Michael E. Porter
- This is the heftiest tome of the group, and I'm far from the first to recommend the current guru of the Harvard Business School. You don't so much read Competitive Strategy as gnaw on it, and it takes a long time to digest. But there's no better presentation of the multivariate dimensions (how's that for an academic term?) of competition, and the book's principles can be applied to any and every industry. I've found myself referring back to it time and time again as I work with clients on their own competitive strategies. (Extra credit: Kellogg on Marketing, a collection of thought-provoking essays from the faculty of the business school at Northwestern University.)
- Concentration
- Positioning: The Battle for your Mind, by Jack Trout and Al Ries
- When Positioning was first released in 1981, it revolutionized how marketers conceived of the branding proposition. Or so I've been told (I was still in high school). What is inarguable is the simplicity with which Trout and Ries explain how branding isn't about products and services, it's about how people think about products and services. The best compliment I could give the authors is that they made the complex topic of branding simple. If only they could now make it easy, we could all go home.
- Profit from the Core: Growth Strategy in an Era of Turbulence, by Chris Zook and James Allen
This one won't make most marketers' top books lists, and that's a shame. Zook and Allen base their thesis on a 10-year study of 2,000 companies, expounding on the reasons why all companies seek sustained, profitable growth but only a fraction of them actually achieve it. I've always been fascinated by the principle of entropy, the tendency of all things in the universe towards disarray. This book demonstrates that the way to overcome entropy in business is by biting off no more than you can chew. Companies grow big by focusing narrowly.
- The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing, by Jack Trout and Al Ries
Trout and Ries get two spots on the list, for good reason. Building on the concepts they presented in Positioning, the 22 Laws is an easy, breezy read that proffers simple branding facts you don't need a Ph.D. to appreciate. In fact, people who have too much education sometimes characterize Trout's and Ries' simplicity as simplistic, but if you're facing a real-world competitive environment, their advice is well-taken. You don't have to buy their opinions hook, line, and sinker to appreciate them or profit from their application. (Extra credit: Marketing Warfare from—you guessed it—Trout and Ries.)
- Application
- Hitting the Sweet Spot: How Consumer Insights Can Inspire Better Marketing and Advertising, by Lisa Fortini-Campbell
- A Technique for Producing Ideas, by James Webb Young
- Feeding the Media Beast, by Mark Mathis
- The Elements of Style, by William Strunk Jr. and E.B. White
I can hear you now: "Really? A stylebook? I left that stuff behind in English class." Yep, and that's the problem. We may live in an increasingly video-dominated world, but the written word still drives business. No matter how brilliant your ideas may be, if you don't craft them properly they can actually set you back. I keep this handbook handy and refer to it often to maintain a mannerly manner of writing. If recommending Strunk & White does nothing more than keep you from using exclamation points in your advertising (Chapter III, page 34 of my well-worn copy), I'll be content.
- The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing, by Jack Trout and Al Ries
- Ini buku buku yg ditulis dalam artikel di Businessweek, beberapa sudah saya baca dan ada yg belum juga.
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